Unified Communications EXPO︱London︱2nd - 3rd OctoberBook a Meeting

Change Log (Version 6.5 Enterprise)

New Features

Added support for reseller to use admin’s rate group and origination rates

Added Mass create sip device feature

Added Daily and Monthly credit limit for customer

Added feature for reseller, sub admin and sub reseller to import origination rates

Added Trunk summary report to monitor the ASR, ACD, Total Calls for different time interval

Added support to charge different DID calls (cost/min) for reseller and reseller’s customer


% based routing in Origination Rates with realtime data management and batch update with Routing strategy in Origination Rates

Added call type import option while importing ratedeck records

Added Active/Inactive status in batch update for origination and termination rates

Added date wise group by option in customer summary report

Added call type option in cdr report for resellers

DID conditional routing make optional during Purchase, added “Select” option by default instead of “Always” reseller’s customer

Added search by product type in charges history report

Display more options in invoice grid for quick overview

Added invoice (receipt) payment notification to customer

Added search option to filter online and offline sip devices

DID destination set-up option in customer edit page

Added Microsoft 365 SMTP support for email notifications

Changed online and offline color code for registered and not registered devices

Added missing APIs and parameters to existing APIs

Added routing type in batch update for origination rates

Allowed partial payment option for the postpaid account invoices

Added search by trunk option in live call report

Added search by trunk option in live call report

Use admin’s SMTP for Email notification if SMTP not configured in Reseller’s company profile

Added more controls for the admin in the product module

Restructured node services to fix realtime issues and better performance

Major Bugs:

Fixed issues in roles and permission module

Resolved invoice generation issues

Fixed language issues

Change Log (Version 6.0)

New Features

Add codec in SIP and DID

Design Improvement

Dashboard Improvement

Added Caching DB to improve call performance

Added Messaging Queue to reduce the load on Nginx

Improve in percentage based routing

Add Remote ID(Remote-Party-ID, P-Asserted-Identity) in Trunk

CI version update 2.3 To 3.0 +

Add Caller ID field in Origination rate.

Origination Rate Import With Mapping

Email Notification On Origination Rate Change

Add from length and to length in localization

Add Partial payment option in Invoice

Allow date format change [DD-MM-YY, MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YY]

Echart Implementation On Chart

Voicemail to Email feature using SMTP

Free Sip2Sip giving NO_SUFFICIENT_FUND rejection

Internal and External Caller Id feature in SIP Device

Payfast payment gateway

FROM header on Email is Company profile Header or if Company profile header is empty then it will take Company name instead of Header.

Decimal points option in the RateGroup module and Trunk module

Define channel variable under GUI Setting.

Select failover hangup cause under GUI setting

Convert DID other option to application data


Improve Live call Report performance

Account balance is not debited from the caller account when concurrent calls are running on DIDs

Validate timezone when add new Time-zone.

During rate import fix Effective date issue in Origination Rate and Termination Rate

Free call Package, Fix issue when customer has package but balance is 0 call is hangup so we allow call if free call package is available.

Prevention of Multiple clicking problems in orders, payments and other activities.

During rate batch update fix Effective date issue in Origination Rate and Termination Rate

Initial Increment Display in My rates under reseller login and search.

Add DID assignment to reseller from admin portal

DID Search in Bulk DID Assign

Add Caller ID Pattern In Origination Rates Mapping

Send cdr report in pdf or csv along with invoice

Roles and Permission – after the roles assign to any entity, the roles should be not delete

Fix DID call forwarding in some hangup-cause

Reseller customer faxer report show in Admin Faxer report

Roles and Permissions – Reseller should have accounts > roles and permission checked by default

Group by country, trunk, disposition in summary report

Resellers “Roles” dropdown show when admin create/edit customer for selected reseller

Admin “Roles and permissions” have Add Grid of “Reseller” and also add search option of “reseller”

Fix Call type and SIP devices not displaying during bulk purchase in customer login

Change verification message during Signup time.

Fix all sample file download issues.

Change default voicemail number from 7777 to *97

Payment gateway wise ‘Currency Supported’ feature

Insert cdrs_day_by_summary table records using socket.

Support ticket add-ons emails send from the common library.

Invoice – Option to pay entire amount and custom amount

Unique id in CDR’s

Call activity report – Tooltip on balance and credit limit field in grid

Gateway creation with register set to false

Description field in refill Report

Mail To search option in search SIP devices.

Implementation of snippet to get usage analytics

Reseller FAX addon

Caller ID Pattern In Origination Rates Mapping

Trunk option in TR Batch update and Rate Group option in OR Batch update.

IP Settings with sip profile selection dropdown

PBX add-on : Recordings module renamed to Prompts

Opensips scripts improvements:

Enabled username+domain based registration and routing for the call flow with PBX addon

Enabled authentication with encrypted password and applied related changes in database table structure

Database table structure modifications for PBX

Created/Modified the routes/functions in opensips scripting related to PBX

Addons Improvements


Improve in Time Condition

Add Interconnect Code.

Add Call screening in Ring Group

Queue agent backtone and customer backtone dropdown display properly

Fix Directed Call Pickup Same group not working issue

Add Queue option in customer login.

Change PBX recordings module name to Prompts

Conference ema

Personalized Rates

Add CallerID base rate found

Fraud Detection:

Add two new modules SIP Fraud and IP Fraud

Created Date” column name display as “Applied Date” in Fraud Report Grid

Rule type” and “Applied on” search option add in Fraud Report > search menu.

Two Factor Authentication

Login Using Unique Secure Key if notification not working properly

Nibble Billing

Improve the real time balance deduct process.

Language Community addon

Add more keywords in all languages.

Support Ticket

Improvement in in support ticket generate flow and more user friendly

New Addons:

Quality Based Routing(ASR Base)

Shadow Billing

Call Barging

Access Control(Ingress Traffic Governance)

Automated Report (Configurable Custom Recursive Reports)

Demand Based Routing

DID Call Transfer

Rate Simulator

Real Time Logs

Inbound Routes

Change Log (Version 5.0)

New Features

Added real time billing support

Introduced Effective date based rates management

Added Hybrid Routing feature

Added stripe payment gateway support

Enhanced security by 2 factor authentication

Implemented SIP Device and Gateway passwords encryption

Introduced Number Portability Service feature

Added Account login/logout activity report

Added support for daylight saving time

Implemented SMTP support for resellers

Implemented immature Package termination from client and related billing options availability

Introducing prorated billing concept for products

Introducing Roles & Permissions for customer management

Implemented tooltip in entire portal

Implemented Bulk DID assign and purchase feature


Added Localization support in trunk

Separate notifications status for Email, SMS, Push Notification

Added Call recording support for calling card calls

Modified call routing for inbound calls when sip proxy is configured in front

Added separate template for post charge

Added Strip and Prepend field in batch update in termination rates

Added Term & Condition configuration for signup module

Search filter added for ‘Updated date’ in rates

Captcha added in forgot password page

Implemented Inbound call recording

Improve Language translations

Improved execution of Invoice/Product cycle

Added trunk statistics and low balance widgets on dashboard

Improved UI performance

Added notification history report for reseller and customers

Formatted logs for better clarity

Improved notification process to avoid load issue

Added search by code in block code module

Added initial increment field in batch update in origination rates and termination rates

Added description field in product & DID add / Edit

Implemented origination rates link from rate group

Enhanced localization by adding caller id based on destination and custom rules options

Allow admin to upload calling card introduction file from system configuration

Improve order descriptions for better understanding

Improve customer dashboard to fix load issue

Changed cron execution process to reduce load from nginx

Added audio file playback when user (account) exceeds concurrent calls limit

Opensips scripts improvements:

Enabled username+domain based registration and routing for the call flow with PBX addon

Enabled authentication with encrypted password and applied related changes in database table structure

Database table structure modifications for PBX

Created/Modified the routes/functions in opensips scripting related to PBX

Addons Improvements

Switch Monitoring Addon:

Implemented Registered sip device report for reseller and customers

Multi Tenant IP PBX:

Add “Call Recording” option in advance setting of SIP device

Improved call routing in time condition based on customer timezone

Added domain information in email template

Voicemail destination feature added


Added support of cluster

New Addons:

Two factor authentication

Stripe Payment Gateway

Number Portability Service

Personalized Rates

Change Log (Version 4.0.1)

New Features

Added language localization addons support

Allow admin to set default UI language

Added MariaDB support


Added Monthly billing cycle for the product module

Hide the visibility of accounts password from admin portal for security

Added DID bulk purchase feature

Added DID bulk update feature

Added new API functions


Improved UI layouts

Added security patches

Improvised product summary report with more information

Added gettext function in modules to add multi-language support

Enhanced email notification process and code optimization for better performance

Added validation in import database to avoid unnecessary processing of files

Improved UI layouts

Added security patches

Improvised product summary report with more information

Added gettext function in modules to add multi-language support

Enhanced email notification process and code optimization for better performance

Added validation in import database to avoid unnecessary processing of files

Bug Fixes

Resolved CSS and JS issues to fix GUI problems

Fixed product recurring billing issues

Fixed Cron Services not running on time because of timezone issues

Fixed company logo upload issue in company profile module

Fixed currency conversion issue for charges history and CDR report

Fixed variable replacement issues in email templates

Reseller password set null in some cases so we have fixed the problem

Fixed invoice generate date incorrect format for postpaid accounts

Prevent blank invoice generation for postpaid accounts

Fixed Attachment download issue in email history

Enabled order filtering with inactive or deleted accounts

Though customer has disabled the recording but if they are using PBX features and set the recording “YES” then the system will give high priority to PBX configuration and do the recording.

Initialized variable to avoid warnings in DID (inbound) calls

Fixed PHP error issue on Reset email feature

Fixed Invoice module searching issues

Fixed variable issue in New SIP Profile (rtp-ip)

Fixed currency conversion and timezone issues in products and services

Added back-end validations in product assignment to avoid duplicate order

Fixed pricing issues for reseller’s customer when they purchase product

Fixed package usage issue in calling card calls

For reseller’s customer edit profile does not have access to assign localization profile we have fixed the problem



Code optimization to improve performance and notifications

Synchronization between gateway, trunk and alarms. If trunk or gateway get disabled, we now disable related alarms.


  • We have added a new type of alarms which can notify admin about the current count of active calls on Freeswitch based on threshold they have set.
  • This type of alarms especially uses to track concurrent call count on Freeswitch if the count of calls will be less then the threshold it will send an alert to admin. So they can quickly check what is the problem and why the call(traffic) has been reduced on the server.

Multi Tenant IP PBX

Resolved DID forwarding issues when you have PBX add-on installed

Resolved multi-tenant PBX domain link issue with customer profile

Set the higher priority of recording in PBX then customer profile

Resolved time-condition issues : It was checking rates first and then going to time-conditions which is wrong so we have updated code and set it on first priority before we are checking rates.

Call Transfer was not working properly because we need to change SIP Profile configuration to make it work. We have updated the code and set the proper value for ‘disable-transfer’ so freeswitch can allow users to transfer call.

Resolved duplicate feature code issue

Schedule Report

Fixed scheduler issue to generate report based on searched criteria

Added more options on search params for price related columns to search by float value

Allow to request multiple schedule report for same account

FOIP (Fax over IP)

Fixed menu display issue in customer portal

Add-on not working completely due to insufficient package installation

Fixed status drop-down not working in add/Edit page of “Auth Email”

Fixed sorting by account in auto email module

Fixed search by date issue

Switching Monitoring

Fixed list issue to display registered SIP Devices

Optimized code to display live information quickly

New Addons


Multi-Language support

  • Spanish
  • French
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Russian

Change Log (Version 4.0)

New Design

A new design with a more vibrant color scheme, optimized to adapt to all screen sizes and devices.


Improved system-wide notifications by changing the format and adding support of SMS and mobile push.

Major Improvements

Admin can see N level of records from admin portal (For reseller record accessibility remains the same as 3.6 limited to their own account) Improved password generate and accept policy in the entire system New Routing Strategies
  • Priority-based routing
  • Prefix-based routing
  • Lossless routing
  • CLI / NON-CLI Routing (Configurable in customer account)
  • Percentage based routing (WIP)

Roles & Permissions for Admin and Reseller

Added inbuilt database archive feature

Keep all the events and navigation information for admin in audit log report

Code re-structured to add support of add-ons concept

Introducing addons concept to make system ecosystem (Where developers can create their own add-ons and release it in ASTPP)

  • Install your required addons
  • Developers can develop their own addon

Minor Improvements

Redirect to URL to last login module if session got expired

Changed Email template editor to ckeditor

Misc Changes

Support for Mcrypt has been removed

New Modules

Roles & Permissions

Introducing module to manage roles and permissions for admin and resellers

Admin can set module (i.e rate group, trunks) and action (add, edit) level of permissions


Allow creating different types of products

  • Packages (Older version Package module)
  • Subscriptions (Older version Subscription module)
  • DIDs
  • Refill

Support one time and recurring billing cycle

Can set Product Setup and Recurring fee

Control product if customer can purchase or not

Control product if reseller can resell the same product to their customers or notFor Package product, added more filter options to select destinations

Flexibility to apply products on an existing account with specific rate groups or to new accounts automatically


Manage Product Orders

Subscription product can be purchased with Quantity

Existing customers can place an order for product from portal

Allow purchasing product using Payment Gateway Or Balance

Keeps the record of customer and IP from where order placed

Allow account to terminate product immediately or on future date

Parent account can change product settings while placing an order for their customer account

Commission Report

Can track commission information from this report

Access Numbers

Removed CC Access Number field from Settings (In Older Version) and Added new module to manage Account numbers

Admin can add Access number by country for Calling Card business

Reseller and Customers can search access number by country and use them

Allow to import and export access numbers in bulk

Rate Deck

Introduce this module to bring uniqueness in Origination rates Destination name, Country and Call Types

Upload all your destination one time and then use only code in origination rates. System will automatically fetch Destination name, Country, Call type and use it.

Call Types

Create your own Call Types and link it with Origination Rates

Use it to filter destinations in Package Products


Create country specific localized translations for destination number and caller id

Automatic allocation of localization to account if localization created for the selected country

Option to set Global Localization for new customers (If country-specific localization not created)

Use same localization settings for customer and provider

Call Barring

Whitelist or Blacklist your calls by Destination number and Caller id on a system level

Allow to set fixed number to prefix with *


Moved cron entries from OS Level to Database Level

Flexible to adjust time for any cron entries

Keep track of last execution date


Add new languages support from UI

No need of technical knowledge


Keeps system clean by removing older records automatically

Existing Modules Improvements

Signup & Forgot Password

Revamped signup page layout with required fields

  • Redesigned page with minimal fields
  • Changed Captcha for more security (Added Google Captcha)
  • OTP based account verification (Email and SMS)
  • Auto selection of currency based on country selection

Forgot password flow change

  • OTP based account verification
  • Directly get a new password on Email and SMS


Performance Improved

  • Backend process and code has been changed.
  • X time faster now

Added new informative widgets

  • Widget with Today and This Month call summary information
  • Count widgets for the quick view
  • New Accounts
  • Total Orders
  • Total Refill Amount
  • Total Calls Count
  • Top 10 Destinations
  • Latest order information



Batch update now with more fields

  • Admin and reseller can do a batch update with more fields

Made badges more visible for account identification

Customer specific “Loss-Less Routing” configuration, Notifications Settings, Invoice notes, Tax number, and Payment gateway Permission

Number Translation

  • Removed number translation fields from the account and implemented Localization module (New Module)

Introducing CLI / NON-CLI Tariff management

  • Flexible settings to validate caller id and apply CLI / NON-CLI tariff plan


Removed left panel and Allowed admin to directly login to reseller portal from parent account (No need of password)

Role & Permissions management for reseller account (M)

Introducing 2 types of resellers (M)

  • Type 1: Distributor
  • They can set their own pricing for the product and resell it to their customers
  • Type 2: Commission based
  • They can resell the product and will get a commission on it which admin has defined.

Reseller specific “Loss-Less Routing” configuration, Notifications Settings, Invoice notes, Tax number

Number Translation

  • Removed number translation fields from the account and implemented Localization module (New Module)

Introducing CLI / NON-CLI Tariff management

  • Flexible settings to validate caller id and apply CLI / NON-CLI tariff plan

Role & Permission based admin management

Removed sub-admin concept



Improved layout of the invoice template with more information

Now showing only date in place of showing date and time

Re-developed invoicing process to include all payment activities which happens in the system from customer and reseller account

Introducing search with invoice status like Paid, Unpaid Or Partially Paid

Refill Report

Added more fields to get more information about the payment transaction

On database level, started capturing request and response information of transaction (Like from IP, Browser, Complete Response from Payment gateway etc)


Removed subscription module and migrated to new Product Module (New Module)


Renamed DIDs to Inbound


DIDs now considered as part of product module (New Module)

Changed field name from Included Seconds to Grace Time

Introducing new Billing Cycles

  • One time
  • Set billing Cycle to one time and days. DID will be allocated for given days only and the release automatically from the assigned account. (Usage: Trial DID)
  • Recurring
  • Set billing cycle recurring and days. DID will renewed on a given day. If the account does not have balance then will be released automatically.

Reseller can purchase DID and assign it to their customers

Introducing DID Call Forwarding feature (Forward call to Local and PSTN number)

  • Always
  • If Busy
  • If Not Registered
  • If No Answer


Rate Group

Added Duplicate rate group feature for quick rate group creation

Introducing New Routing strategies (M)

  • Routing Prefix
  • This routing strategy will remove the limitations of one rate group allocation to account.
  • You can set routing prefix for each rate group and notify your customer about them (To use that rate group, they just need to dial Routing Prefix + Destination Number)
  • Resellers can also set their own prefixes and link it with admin’s rate groups
  • Priority Based
  • Set the priority of trunks. If 1st priority trunk failed to execute the call then 2nd priority trunk will execute the call.
  • Percentage Based
  • Set Percentage load balance of trunks. System will distribute the calls among selected trunks based on defined Percentages.

Origination Rates

Added new fields for better rates management

  • Country
  • Call Type (New Module)
  • Routing Type (Force Routing)

Introducing rate deck (New Module) based fields updates (Like Destination name, Country, Call Type)

Changed field name from Included Seconds to Grace Time


Removed packages module and migrated to new Product Module (New Module)



Number Translation

  • Removed number translation fields from the trunks and implemented Localization module (New Module) which will be allocated to provider and use termination part.

Termination Rates

  • Changed field name from Included Seconds to Grace Time


SIP Profiles

Corrected SIP IP validations

Added SIP Profile action buttons (Start, Stop, Reload, Rescan) in Edit SIP Profile page

Live Calls

Detailed information about calls including Account and Rates information


Call Detail Reports

Added SIP User and Call Direction fields to search and list

Download Recording from the report (Major)

Display archived tables in search

Summary Reports

Added Group By Direction, Call Type and SIP User

Email History

Renamed to Notifications History

Added SMS notifications fields in grid


Company Profile

Added settings for admin to set if he wants to generate an invoice for no usage of account

Restrict the logo and favicon size to avoid UI layout issues


Removed Tax module from reseller (Reseller will be able to use the tax which has been created by Admin)


Reformatted all templates to professional

Control individual template with enable and disable status

Introducing SMS and Mobile Push Notifications templates for notifications


Enhanced country table with more values like Country code, Capital, ISO Code, Currency


Integrated fixer api as Yahoo has discontinued currency api


Rearranged settings variables in groups

Added new settings variables for more flexibility

All call settings has been changed from milliseconds to minutes

Customer Portal

  • List all access numbers which admin has added
  • List all Caller Id for Pinless authentication
  • Set Pin for Calling Card

Redesigned customer dashboard

Added menu for Calling Card Settings

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