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STIR/SHAKEN Attestation Explained: Evaluating ANI Validation for Secure Calls

  • August 8, 2024

Unwanted robocalls and number spoofing plague businesses and consumers alike. These malicious practices lead to mistrust in phone communication, causing significant disruptions. The implementation of STIR SHAKEN attestation emerges as a crucial solution to combat these issues, ensuring the authenticity of calls. By leveraging STIR/SHAKEN solutions, businesses can restore trust in their communication systems and provide a more secure environment for their customers.

Imagine missing an important client call because your traditional phone line is down or losing a significant sales opportunity due to poor call quality. These are the challenges businesses face when relying on outdated communication methods. STIR SHAKEN attestation offers a modern, flexible, and cost-effective way to manage all business communication needs. Unlike traditional phone systems, STIR/SHAKEN VoIP leverages the power of the internet to deliver high-quality voice communication, advanced features, and seamless integration with other business tools.

What are Robocalling and Number Spoofing?

stir/shaken open source

Robocalling is the process of call automation that is made using auto dialers or tools like voice broadcasting solution. Often, it delivers pre-recorded messages. Possibly, these calls can be legitimate. For example, these calls include appointment reminders. Alternatively, they can be malicious calls such as phishing scams.

Number spoofing is a technique where callers falsify their caller ID to disguise their true identity. Undoubtedly, this misleads recipients into thinking the call is from a trusted source. As a result, it increases the likelihood of them answering and potentially falling victim to scams.


stir shaken compliance

STIR SHAKEN VoIP refers to a comprehensive framework designed to ensure the integrity of caller information in VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) systems. This framework addresses the growing issue of caller ID spoofing, which can lead to fraudulent activities and loss of trust in phone communications.

The STIR/SHAKEN solution plays a pivotal role in verifying the authenticity of calls by using cryptographic certificates. These certificates are embedded into the call data. This provides a digital signature that verifies the call’s origin.

This process begins when a call is made. The originating service provider verifies the caller’s identity and their right to use the calling number. Once verified, the provider attaches a digital certificate to the call. This certificate travels with the call through various networks until it reaches the recipient. The terminating service provider then checks the certificate to ensure the call has not been tampered with. If the certificate is valid, the call is delivered as trustworthy.

In STIR SHAKEN VoIP systems, this verification process is crucial because calls are transmitted over the internet, making them more susceptible to tampering. By implementing STIR SHAKEN attestation, service providers can significantly reduce the incidence of spoofed numbers, ensuring that recipients can trust the caller ID information displayed.

Additionally, this framework supports different levels of attestation, providing varying degrees of trust based on how thoroughly the caller’s identity has been verified. This adds another layer of security, helping to combat fraudulent activities and improve overall call integrity.

For more in-depth information on this topic, consider reading the blog titled Understanding STIR/SHAKEN and Its Role in Combating Caller ID Spoofing. This blog offers a comprehensive overview of how the STIR/SHAKEN framework works, its importance in the telecommunications industry, and its effectiveness in reducing caller ID spoofing.

What is STIR SHAKEN Attestation?

STIR SHAKEN attestation is the process of verifying and certifying the legitimacy of a phone call’s origin. This process provides different levels of trust, indicating the confidence of the service provider in the caller’s identity. By doing so, it helps prevent fraudulent activities such as caller ID spoofing and ensures that calls are trustworthy. This attestation is essential in modern telecommunications to restore and maintain trust in phone communications.

The ABC’s of Attestation Levels

Attestation levels in the STIR/SHAKEN solution are categorized into three types, each representing a different degree of verification and trust:

A-Level (Full Attestation)

The service provider has verified the call’s origin and the caller’s right to use the number. This level of attestation signifies the highest degree of trust, ensuring that the caller ID information is accurate, and the call is legitimate. This form of STIR/SHAKEN solution involves a thorough validation process where the service provider confirms the identity of the caller and their authority to use the specific phone number. Full attestation is typically applied to calls originating from within the service provider’s own network, where complete verification is possible.

B-Level (Partial Attestation)

The service provider has verified the call’s origin. However, this STIR SHAKEN VoIP framework cannot confirm the caller’s right to use the number. Partial attestation is used when the service provider can authenticate the source of the call but lacks complete information about the caller’s authorization to use the specific number.

Don’t Compromise on Security Assess Your ANI Validation Today!


This level is common when calls pass through multiple networks or third-party service providers, where full validation may not be feasible. While this level provides some assurance, it indicates that the verification is not as comprehensive as full attestation.

C-Level (Gateway Attestation)

The service provider can only confirm the call came from their network without verifying the caller’s identity. Gateway attestation in STIR SHAKEN attestation represents the lowest level of trust, where the provider can only authenticate that the call originated within its network. This level does not provide any assurance about the caller’s identity or their right to use the number. It is often used for calls that transit through intermediary networks or gateways, where detailed verification is not possible.

Attestation (In)Efficacy

While STIR SHAKEN attestation significantly improves call verification, it is not foolproof. Several challenges can impact its efficacy, necessitating ongoing advancements and industry-wide collaboration.

Interoperability Issues

One of the primary challenges is interoperability among different service providers and networks. For STIR/SHAKEN solution to be fully effective, all participating networks must be able to recognize and validate the cryptographic certificates used in the attestation process. Furthermore, variations in implementation standards and protocols can lead to inconsistencies, reducing the overall reliability of the system.

Need for Widespread Adoption

The effectiveness of STIR SHAKEN attestation also depends on its widespread adoption across the telecommunications industry. While many major providers have implemented the framework, smaller or regional providers may lag in adoption due to technical or financial constraints. This gap can create vulnerabilities, allowing spoofed calls to slip through unverified networks.

Technological Limitations

Despite its robust framework, STIR SHAKEN VoIP framework faces technological limitations that can affect its performance. For instance, the accuracy of caller identification can be compromised by technical glitches or errors in the attestation process. Additionally, the evolving tactics of fraudsters necessitate continuous updates and improvements to the system to stay ahead of new threats.

Regulatory Support

Continuous advancements and regulatory support are crucial for enhancing the efficacy of STIR SHAKEN attestation. Regulatory bodies play a key role in mandating the adoption of the framework and establishing standardized protocols for implementation. Government initiatives and industry regulations can drive wider adoption and ensure uniform application of attestation standards, thereby improving the overall reliability of the system.

Future Enhancements

Looking ahead, future enhancements to STIR/SHAKEN solution are expected to address current challenges and improve its effectiveness. Innovations in cryptographic techniques, machine learning algorithms for fraud detection, and enhanced interoperability standards are some areas of focus. Collaboration among industry stakeholders, including service providers, technology developers, and regulatory bodies, will be essential in driving these advancements and ensuring the long-term success of the framework.

STIR/SHAKEN Attestations with ANI Validation for Trustworthy Calls

STIR SHAKEN Implementation

STIR SHAKEN attestation combined with ANI (Automatic Number Identification) validation forms a powerful mechanism for ensuring trustworthy calls. ANI validation further verifies the caller’s number by checking it against the subscriber’s billing records, adding an extra layer of security. This dual verification process ensures that the caller’s identity is thoroughly authenticated, providing a robust defence against spoofed numbers and fraudulent activities.

Enhanced Caller Verification

By integrating STIR SHAKEN VoIP integration with ANI validation, businesses can ensure that caller IDs are accurate and trustworthy. This integration reduces the chances of spoofed numbers slipping through, thereby increasing recipient confidence in answering calls. The STIR/SHAKEN solution attaches a digital certificate to the call data. It verifies the caller’s identity. Simultaneously, ANI validation cross-references the caller’s number with billing records, ensuring consistency and authenticity. This dual-layered approach significantly minimizes the risk of fraudulent calls, thereby enhancing the overall reliability of caller identification.

Strengthened Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with regulatory frameworks such as the TRACED Act becomes more manageable with a STIR/SHAKEN solution. These solutions provide verifiable proof of call authenticity, helping businesses meet legal requirements and avoid penalties. Regulatory bodies have mandated the adoption of STIR SHAKEN attestation to combat the surge in fraudulent calls. By implementing these solutions, businesses not only comply with legal standards but also demonstrate their commitment to maintaining secure communication practices. This compliance is crucial for avoiding hefty fines and maintaining a reputable standing with regulatory authorities.

Increased Consumer Confidence

Consumers are more likely to trust and engage with businesses that use STIR SHAKEN VoIP for their communication needs. The assurance that calls are legitimate fosters better relationships and enhances customer satisfaction. When customers know that the calls they receive are verified through robust security measures, their confidence in the business increases.

This trust translates into higher engagement rates, as consumers feel more secure in answering calls and sharing sensitive information. Ultimately, businesses that prioritize secure communication channels can build stronger, more loyal customer relationships.

Minimized Fraudulent Activities

Implementing STIR SHAKEN attestation and ANI validation significantly decreases the likelihood of fraudulent activities. Scammers find it challenging to bypass these security measures, resulting in a safer communication environment. The rigorous verification process is setup. Therefore, it only connects legitimate calls. As a result, it filters out potentially harmful ones.

This reduction in fraudulent activities not only protects consumers but also safeguards businesses from financial losses and reputational damage associated with scams. By adopting these measures, businesses create a secure communication infrastructure that deters fraudulent actors.

Seamless VoIP Integration

STIR SHAKEN VoIP systems can seamlessly integrate these attestations and validations, ensuring that all calls made over the internet are secure and trustworthy. This integration is vital for maintaining the integrity of VoIP communication channels.

VoIP systems are particularly vulnerable to spoofing due to their reliance on internet protocols. However, by incorporating STIR SHAKEN attestation and ANI validation, businesses can enhance the security of their VoIP networks. This seamless integration ensures that every call is verified, protecting the communication system from unauthorized access and fraudulent activities.

Future-Ready Communication

As technology evolves, staying ahead of potential threats is crucial. STIR SHAKEN attestation and ANI validation provide a future-proof solution, ensuring long-term security and reliability in business communications. The continuous advancements in verification technologies mean that businesses need to adopt adaptable solutions.

A STIR SHAKEN solution evolves with emerging threats. As a result, it offers a scalable and robust framework that can withstand future challenges. By implementing these solutions, businesses can ensure that their communication strategies remain secure and effective in the face of evolving threats.

Enhanced Data Analytics and Reporting

Businesses can leverage the data generated by STIR SHAKEN VoIP solutions to gain insights into call patterns and potential threats. This data can inform strategies for improving call security and overall communication effectiveness.

Detailed analytics allow businesses to monitor call activities, identify suspicious patterns, and respond proactively to potential threats. By analyzing this data, companies can refine their communication protocols, enhance security measures, and optimize their overall communication strategy. The insights gained from these analytics are invaluable for maintaining a secure and efficient communication infrastructure.

Concluding Notes

Investing in STIR SHAKEN attestation from the best STIR/SHAKEN solution provider, is inevitable. With this investment, businesses can overcome these challenges and pave the way for growth and innovation. These solutions offer unparalleled scalability, advanced functionalities, and significant cost savings, making them the ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

STIR SHAKEN VoIP attestation represents a significant step forward in securing phone communications and preventing fraudulent activities. Ongoing advancements and regulatory support enhance its effectiveness. This makes it a vital tool in the fight against caller ID spoofing.

In conclusion, combining STIR/SHAKEN solution with ANI validation creates a comprehensive solution for ensuring trustworthy calls. This integration enhances caller identification, improves regulatory compliance, boosts consumer trust, and reduces fraudulent activities.

To maintain a robust communication system, it is essential to stay updated with the latest advancements in STIR SHAKEN VoIP technologies. We provide STIR SHAKEN attestation integration with our expertise. To learn more about our offering and free consultation, contact us.