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Top Ways White label SIP Softphone Boosts VoIP Business

  • May 13, 2019

Nowadays, some terms are gaining so much popularity in the VoIP industry. Certainly, mobility, digitization, unified communication, and BOYD (Bring Your Own Device) are some of these popular terms. Therefore, you can expect that customers will ask for an all-inclusive solution that can meet all demands of clients and provide them with the required solution. Undoubtedly, a white label SIP Softphone like a PC dialer and a mobile SIP dialer are two popular solutions for meeting these user demands.

According to the statistics and different reports published worldwide, the mobile dialer aka SIP Softphone industry is a billion dollar industry. Moreover, the popularity of this BOYD solution will continue to grow in its different forms. Certainly, it has multiple advantages to offer for all types of users. Therefore, businesses, enterprises, VoIP service providers, ITSPs, individual consultants, freelancers, and anyone you name can use this solution to augment connectivity.

Maximize your VOIP Business Potential with White Label SIP Softphones.

Specifically talking about businesses, there is a plethora of utilities for using SIP dialer for desktop or mobile. In fact, this solution can contribute to boosting overall business, too. If we talk specifically about VoIP businesses, there are endless opportunities to convert that can help providers in the journey of building a sustainable and rapidly growing business.

In this blog post, we will discover how a VoIP business can transform a slow paced business into a rapidly growing enterprise. To prove this fact, we will cover the following points.

1.  What is a VoIP Softphone?

VoIP Softphones

It is either a mobile app or a software solution that provides calling and messaging services to the users. This app uses an IP network to make calls to other devices or numbers. Interestingly, the application does not restrict communication across SIP devices or users. In fact, it is pretty versatile in nature. Therefore, you can make and receive calls to any other DID number, VoIP number, PSTN number, etc.

As the name suggests, it is a SIP Softphone, which uses session initiation protocol to support communication over IP networks. Therefore, it lowers communication costs dramatically.

Working Model

You might wonder what this communication app does, then here is a quick brief on how it works.

  • The SIP dialer creates a connection with the server using SIP singling.
  • The call is easily received or made through this app. During the call, the analog signals are translated to digital signals to traverse over internet lines.
  • At the receiving end, the digital signals are translated to analog signals.

Key Features of a Softphone Application

The technology is very advanced. Moreover, several innovations have taken place in this segment. Therefore, there are several features available in this app to benefit users. The list of key features of this app is listed hereunder:

  • SIP user management
  • Two-way authentication
  • Intuitive design and layout
  • Voice calls
  • Video calls
  • Phone book
  • Call mute and un-mute
  • Call hold and retrieve
  • Three-way conference calling
  • Instant messaging
  • Last call redial
  • Call logs

Depending on the user and provider, this list of features may vary. Moreover, there are several advancements taking place in this segment, which we will cover in the subsequent sections.

2.  What is a White Label Softphone?

White Label SIP Softphone

White label SIP dialer app is a Softphone that bears brand elements of the VoIP service provider or company that uses this app or pays for white labeling. This process is also known as custom branding because the development company applies custom branding elements in the app to provide the look and feel of the owned app.

Major Advantages of a White Label SIP Softphone

Certainly, there are several advantages of using white labeling in a VoIP business. Let’s take a look at the major ones.

  • Save time and resources from development process
  • Short time to market
  • Reduced cost of ownership
  • Complete ownership of marketing campaigns
  • Increase branding benefits

Recommended Reading, Mobile SIP Solution – Top 3 Tips to Choose It. This blog post briefly explains how you can discover one of the best apps for your business to maximize value over money.

3.  Advancements in Softphone App

SIP Spftphone

As discussed earlier, there are several use cases of these apps in diverse industry verticals. Therefore, innovations and creativity are at a peak in this industry. The VoIP providers use this app at its full potential. As a result, they invest in customization, custom development, research, and innovation to identify and develop advanced features. Certainly, this app has gone through several types of innovations. Therefore, we have several advancements to look for in this app.

Let’s Talk About Some of the Advancements that VoIP Service Providers or Any Other VoIP Business Can Leverage On.

3.1 Advanced Features

Call Recording

A necessary feature to ensure quality of service is part of this app.

Visual Voicemail

It lets customers leave a voicemail message to reduce wait time. On the other hand, professionals can access voicemail messages without any need to go through extra steps to listen to the voicemail messages.

Call Transfer

To build a collaborative network, it is necessary to let professionals transfer calls between other team members or departments. This is possible with the modern PC dialer or mobile SIP dialer Softphone. Interestingly, the user can transfer calls within their office range of extensions. Additionally, they can transfer calls to any other external number.

Call Forwarding

One of the advantages of using this solution for business communication is to keep employees’ numbers private. However, in some cases, it becomes necessary to manage VIP clients. In that case, even if the service provider is not online in his or her SIP account, all incoming calls will be forwarded to a predefined number without revealing the number.

Ring Group

To ensure that all calls are managed professionally, the system can ring a group of extensions. Any of the teammates can attend the call.

Music on Hold

Often, service providers put calls on hold to retrieve or process information. In that case, the calls are placed on hold. Fascinatingly, a soothing music piece can be played as music on hold.

Integration with Third Party Solution

The VoIP service providers use different tools such as an IP PBX solution, call center solution, unified communication system, CRM software, and the list goes on. The Softphone supports integration so that the provider can create a holistic solution to streamline business operations flawlessly.

3.2 Future Advancements

According to the top tech leaders, this space is still completely unexplored. Certainly, there are endless possibilities for communication enriched for VoIP businesses. Therefore, it is likely to witness some more advancement in this segment.

For example, we can get AI integrated apps that will automate various jobs such as resolving common queries or routing calls based on different hours of the day.

Secondly, we are most likely to experience the combination of WebRTC and SIP in these apps with SIP.js development or similar technologies to make these apps more flexible and compatible.

Additionally, we can also expect integration of other technologies and tools in this app such as IoT with SIP calling features, and more.

In short, the future is yet to be explored by the tech experts and we are still going to exploit the technology in a positive direction.

4.  Top Ways Softphone Boosts VoIP Business

sip dialer

You might have an adrenal rush to learn about the ways that can boost VoIP business. First of all, it is necessary to understand that there are different use cases and applications for these solutions. However, all VoIP businesses might not use them or might not have the eligibility to use them to boost their business. Still, you will have some predefined utilities that will directly or indirectly spike your business to do better and faster. So, let’s take a look at the top ways the Softphone application will boost VoIP SIP Softphone business.

4.1 Revenue Generation

Definitely, increase in revenue generation is definitely the core focus of all businesses. Moreover, if you increase revenue, you also boost your business performance in omni-direction. Therefore, it is worth exploring all possible ways to increase revenue generation.</p><p>The White label SIP dialer app Softphone provides a brilliant tool that you can offer to your clients. Despite the fact that what service or solution you offer to your clients, the demand and need of this solution is inevitable. Due to mobility, digitization, and BOYD benefits, SIP apps are highly popular among users. Therefore, you can get the best price for this offer.

4.2   Delight Clients

Certainly, in multiple ways, you can delight your VoIP customers with this app. Let us explain how.

If you offer these apps as a paid solution or add-on, it will still delight your clients because they will receive all the required VoIP solutions from your business. Therefore, they don’t need to look around. Moreover, they don’t need to manage multiple vendors. As a result, they are delighted with your one-stop solution.

If you use this app to provide customer care by distributing it among your team, then also it will do wonders. For example, your team can provide seamless and uninterrupted support to your clients remotely. This makes the customer care team more accessible. Moreover, its features improve the overall quality of service.

4.3 Build Your Qwn Brand Toolkit

It is always beneficial to have custom branding for all tools you use. Even if you are not going to expose these tools outside your business premises, it is recommended to use white label solutions. The white label solutions help in building a uniform brand identity. Moreover, white labeling lets you enjoy total ownership without any need to wait for development and invest in the complete process.

4.4 Competitive Edge

The mobile VoIP dialer is highly customizable and flexible. Therefore, it is possible to develop custom features that your competitors are not offering. For example, real time billing with auto recharge is still unavailable in all Softphone apps. Likewise, social media integration within the app to leverage the benefit of a comprehensive app is still not available. Therefore, you can invest in the customization of this app along with white labeling and use it as a USP.

This can become a really big competitive advantage for your business. As a result, you can increase your brand virility. Moreover, you can gain a competitive edge that can help in your pricing structure, marketing strategies, and several other business aspects. Ultimately, all this will convert into tangible business.

4.5 Reselling Apps with Customization

You can make more money by reselling these apps. Certainly, there are several companies that provide white labeling with reselling licenses. Therefore, you can also do business with a white label app and make money. Additionally, you can provide the required customizations to make more money and boost your VoIP business. For example, you can provide third party integrations or custom feature development to increase revenue.

4.6 Increased Client Retention

When your clients receive high quality services and all the required solutions from your company, they are less likely to get carried away with any other allurements. For example, the mobile dialer is useful in offering customer care from anywhere, at any time. Certainly, it supports 100% remote operations. As a result, clients will be delighted with quick and effective customer service. Secondly, you can provide this solution as an add-on to your clients. This will add cherries on top of your client centric services. As a result, the bar of client retention will go straight up. Moreover, all other advantages related to increased client retention will come to benefit you.

Concluding Notes

In short, the Softphone provides an array of advantages and advanced capabilities to VoIP businesses. Moreover, there are several use cases of this app in any VoIP business, which can reflect in increasing VoIP business. The VoIP service providers can leverage the technology of dialers in different directions to empower their marketing and sales campaigns, customer care strategies, and even revenue generating channels.

We offer the best and feature rich mobile SIP dialer that is highly flexible and supports white labeling, customization, custom development, and other optimizations. To learn more about our offerings, please contact us.