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Top 5 VoIP Implementation Challenges and Solutions

  • September 13, 2021

VoIP based communication tools have become household names in all industry verticals. Undoubtedly, businesses love its plethora of advantages. Therefore, the adoption rate of VoIP based communication has grown 212% since 2020 (Source). Does it sound astounding? Indeed, it is impressive and astonishing because it is a big number. All thanks to the easy accessibility of technology that has made it possible to use these solutions easily. Moreover, tools like multi tenant VoIP solutions and a VoIP billing solution have contributed to the increasing adoption of the VoIP based communication tools.

Still, there are some barriers that often make it difficult for VoIP providers to implement this powerful communication tool for themselves and for their clients. We have been serving the industry with our smart telephony platform and an open source VoIP billing solution for ages. Therefore, we have collected consolidated experience working in different scenarios to provide highly qualitative products and seamless quality services with the best technology tools in the VoIP industry.

Explore Innovative Solutions to Common Implementation Challenges!


Based on our more than a decade long experience, we have jotted down major challenges that businesses face in implementing VoIP for communication or offering communication services. Moreover, we have penned down effective solutions that can help you make VoIP implementation seamless and accurate.

So, let’s jump into this immersive topic that will give you a completely new mindset to use VoIP and VoIP based solutions like a VoIP billing software solution.

1. What is VoIP?

VoIP is known by different names such as voice over IP, cloud telephony solutions, internet based communication solutions, and more. All these names help in simplifying the extraction of its meaning.

Essentially, VoIP is a technique of using the potential of internet lines to exchange digital signals of voice to make communication possible. With rapid advancements in the industry, internet lines are now used for all sorts of communication. Moreover, it helps in leveraging several advantages.

At a deeper level, it is a technical mechanism that converts analog signals of voice or other media types into digital signals. These digital signals are passed over internet lines to meet an already established connection to reach the receiver. This phenomenon makes communication possible using the internet. Therefore, there is no involvement of clunky infrastructure involved in the legacy telecommunication system.

2. Why is it Inevitable to Use VoIP?

VoIP Billing Software

Amusingly, everyone is a user of VoIP technology.

Don’t you believe us?

Have you ever used Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom meetings, or this type of apps that lets you make calls or chats over the internet?

Well, then you are using VoIP based communication tools.

Conversely, there are several businesses that are decisively using VoIP tools to augment overall communication experience and leverage several other advantages. If you are wondering why VoIP is so irresistible, then here are the top five reasons for the same.

2.1 Cheap

Indisputably, this fact is widely known and accepted as the major advantage of using VoIP tools. It is highly cost effective compared to its counterpart. In fact, it is 10x times cheaper than traditional telephony systems for making international calls. Moreover, it is a completely digital system. Therefore, it alleviates the requirement of hardware and associated infrastructure components. As a result, it is a highly cost effective communication solution.

2.2 Accessible

The main ingredient to let you enjoy VoIP calls is the internet. Greatly, all governments are working to ensure that people get access to high quality internet at cheaper rates. For example, a majority of countries across the globe are now using 5G and more are in the process of adopting this high speed internet solution. Conversely, if someone finds a VoIP solution like a VoIP billing solutions expensive, then he or she can use a hosted solution. In short, it is a highly accessible technology in the world.

2.3 Richer Communication

Undoubtedly, you get access to a host of communication and collaboration features. Moreover, technologies like WebRTC development are making it richer in terms of communication and more mobile and platform independent.

2.4 Scalability

It is extremely easy and quicker to scale up a VoIP based communication network than a legacy telephony solution. Moreover, technologies like FreeSWITCH are making it possible to build high performing VoIP apps that require 50% less hardware. In short, you can achieve exceptional scalability to match your growth rate.

2.5 Flexibility

Finally, the VoIP solutions are outstandingly flexible. Firstly, these tools are platform independent and can work cross platform. Secondly, they support the integration of communication tools with existing business software to build a comprehensive platform. Thirdly, you can choose any technology to build your solution. This is an ongoing list of advantages that prove how flexible VoIP based communication tools are.

3. Major Challenges in Adopting VoIP and its Solutions

Challenges are inevitable in any industry. Certainly, VoIP is not an exception. We cannot overlook major challenges that can become roadblocks in the adoption of this powerful communication technology. However, there are multiple types of challenges that you may come across while thinking about acquiring this solution. Therefore, we have segmented these challenges into three effective groups.

A) Adoption challenges

B) Implementation challenges

C) Quality related challenges

In this segment, we will discuss major challenges related to the adoption of VoIP based communication.

3.1 Setback from Team

Liking it or not, but this is human nature. Humans resist changes even if they are using a painful system. Therefore, it is a common challenge that several organizations face. From board members to accountants and clerical teams can give their reasons to not switch to VoIP.

Experience seamless billing integration and enhanced productivity with our innovative VoIP Billing Solution



Undeniably, education and awareness are the key driving factors that will help you overcome this challenge.

3.2 Legal Compliances

VoIP communication is under the radar of several legal teams in many countries. Interestingly, some companies promote and encourage the use of VoIP based communication. Conversely, some countries have put bans or legal restrictions on using VoIP based tools for collaboration.


Studying legal aspects and discussing with a consultant or a lawyer holding expertise in this industry can help you find a middle way or an effective way to manage this obstruction.

3.3 Resource Wastage Concern

Many companies resist adopting VoIP because they already have a telephony system on their premises. Possibly, it is a legacy telephony solution. Alternatively, it is a contemporary PBX. However, it is not the latest tool, and they are worried that the existing infrastructure will go in vain.


You must discuss with an expert software provider that can help you make the right use of the existing resources or maximize their reuse to let you exploit current tools, too.

3.4 Financial Challenges

Fascinatingly, budget issues are everywhere. From a small business to a largely funded organization face this obstruction because it is a new investment for the company.


There are always multiple solutions available that can rule out your financial concerns. For example, instead of developing a solution, you can rent it, or you can also use an open source VoIP billing solutions or software of your interest.

4. Major Challenges in Implementing VoIP and its Solutions

VoIP Billing System

If you are ready to adopt VoIP for your organization, the next step is to get the right software. There are multiple ways to implement this solution to build a reliable and scalable telephony system. However, there are several challenges, too.

Let’s now explore the major hindrances that you may face while implementing VoIP based tools in your business.

4.1 VoIP Software Development

Ideally, you should invest in developing a VoIP software solution. It gives you wide ranging advantages. However, to develop a solution, you will need an in-house team of experts who hold experience in developing custom VoIP solutions. However, this can be a great challenge to recruit and manage a team and keep extracting value from them.


A simple solution is hiring a remote team for development. Alternatively, you can choose to use open source or enterprise software.

4.2 Installation

Quality of service and high availability of the platform are dependent on the installation and architecture design. Moreover, the installation will also become a definitive factor for product scalability. Certainly, it needs experience and expertise in designing the right plan for hosting using the right cluster or redundancy architecture.


If you have technical expertise, you can try getting help from the open source communities. Conversely, you can also hire consultants or professionals to do the math and provide you with the most reliable and scalable installation solution.

4.3 Modernizing Existing Solution

If you already have a VoIP system and it is outdated, then you might want to modernize it to take advantage of the latest technology and features. However, this needs a detailed and meticulous plan to ensure you don’t lose your precious data and don’t corrupt your functional model in any way. Undoubtedly, this will require you to have experience and specialization in system migration.


Again, you can take advantage of migration or upgrade options available with your VoIP software. You can discuss with your VoIP billing solutions provider to upgrade to the latest version of the solution or to migrate to the better solution seamlessly.

4.4 Security

We all know that VoIP uses internet lines for initiating, conducting, and completing calls. Therefore, they are prone to hack attacks and data stealing. There are several other security concerns associated with using VoIP based communication that obstruct businesses implementing it.

For example, caller ID spoofing is an increasing concern of providers and there is an effective solution to combat this concern, which is STIR/SHAKEN. Read our complete guide on STIR/SHAKEN and its role in combating caller ID spoofing.


Certainly, you don’t need to worry anymore because there are several powerful security measures already available in the market. Firstly, you can adopt common norms such as two-factor authentication, encryption, etc. Secondly, you can implement advanced VoIP security tools like an SBC solution, fraud detection and management system, and more.

5. Major Quality Issues in the VoIP Based Communication

VoIP based communication tools used to face quality related challenges are listed hereunder:

  • Noisy calls
  • Choppy voice
  • Packet loss
  • Network jitter
  • Dropped calls
  • Echo
  • Call blocking
  • Voice and quality related issues

Traditionally, it was common to face all these issues. However, we are living in a much advanced world now. Most development companies manage all these concerns during the development process. Moreover, they provide clear system configurations that you need to achieve flawless quality of calls and services.


Undoubtedly, wave goodbye to your legacy VoIP billing solutions and use the latest and most advanced version of this technology. Moreover, follow recommendations given by your software provider to achieve excellent QoC (Quality of Calls) and QoS (Quality of Service).

6. Best Practices to Unleash the True Potential of VoIP

To help you make the adoption and implementation of VoIP seamless, here are a few best practices that you must keep in mind:

  • Invest in technology. Use the latest software version or keep upgrading the technology.
  • You must use high bandwidth internet for optimal users.
  • Take services and solutions from a reliable provider only.
  • Educate your team to adopt and make the best use of this technology.
  • Always have a reliable failover and load balancing system.
  • Keep up with legal and security related shifts to stay prepared and adopt the right tools.

Concluding Note

In conclusion, you are lagging behind if you are not using the latest VoIP technology driven communication tools. However, we cannot overlook major concerns and challenges obstructing your way in the adoption of VoIP. Therefore, we have shared three different types of challenges that might be blocking your way from the adoption of this powerful communication technology.

We can also help you with our powerful and smart VoIP solutions, consultation, and support services. We have decades of experience in offering the best tools like a VoIP billing solution, IP PBX, class 4 switch, and more. To learn more about how we can simplify the adoption of VoIP, contact us.